Frigade supports writing data to Hubspot. When users take action in Flows, Frigade will send the data and any corresponding metadata to Hubspot. For instance, when a User completes a Survey or a step in a Checklist, Frigade will send this data to Hubspot to the matching contact.

Frigade will only send data to Hubspot if the User has an email associated with them. To associate an email with a User, see the useUser hook or the User API.

Sending Frigade data to Hubspot


Create a Hubspot API Token

To get started, you will need to create a Hubspot API token by setting up a Private App in your Hubspot account. You can do this by navigating to the Settings > Integrations > Private Apps page as seen below: Hubspot Integrations


Create a new App

Click on the Create a private app button to create a new app. Type in “Frigade” as the app name. Leave description and logo blank. Create App


Set App Scopes

Click on the Scopes tab and select the scopes which you would like Frigade to have access to. As a minimum, contact.objects.contacts is required for reading and writing. Set Permissions Once you have set the permissions, click on the Create app button.


Get API Key

Once the app is created, you will be presented with the API token. Copy this token. Get API Key


Add Token to Frigade

In the Frigade dashboard, navigate to the Integrations page and click on the Hubspot integration. Paste the API token into the input field and click Save. Add token to Frigade

As soon as you save the token, Frigade will start sending data to Hubspot.


Verify Data in Hubspot

That’s it! Data from Frigade will now start streaming to Hubspot in real time.

You can test the integration by completing a Flow and checking the data in Hubspot for the corresponding contact. All data is added as Notes to the contact in Hubspot as seen below: Hubspot Data