If you already have a V1 implementation and aren’t ready to fully upgrade yet, you can use both V1 and V2 at the same time.

First, install V2 using a package alias:

"dependencies": [
  "@frigade/react": "1.x",
  "@frigade/reactv2": "npm:@frigade/react@2.x",

Then add the V2 Provider above the V1 FrigadeProvider:

import { FrigadeProvider } from "@frigade/react";
import * as Frigade from "@frigade/reactv2";

const FRIGADE_API_KEY = "api_public_abcd1234";

export const App = () => {
  const userId = "...";

  return (
    <Frigade.Provider apiKey={FRIGADE_API_KEY} userId={userId}>
      <FrigadeProvider publicApiKey={FRIGADE_API_KEY} userId={userId}>
        {/* ... */}

With this setup you can import V1 components from @frigade/react and V2 components from @frigade/reactv2.