curl --request PUT \
  --url \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer <token>'

The flows PUT endpoint allows you to update a Flow’s Configuration as well as its metadata.

As this endpoint is destructive, you will need to use the private API key.

Only call this endpoint from your backend code.

Updating a Flow

Before being able to update a Flow, you should make a GET request to obtain the Flow’s private metadata as well as the Flow’s numeric ID (this is a number and is different from the publicly available slug (e.g. flow_GzXC2fHz). The reason for this is that different versions of the Flow share the same slug but have different numeric IDs to differentiate them.

curl -i -X PUT \
   -H "Authorization:Bearer api_private_ngq2pTswZ0Zydh8OthABmkne2o6HJeCnHNYVcFtHCLwmtxUNcSu2UgH0cJ5FQPVi" \
   -H "Content-Type:application/json" \
   -d \
"data": "steps:\n  - id: nps-score-page\n    title: How likely are you to recommend Frigade to a friend or colleague?\n    primaryButton:\n      title: Submit\n    fields:\n      - id: nps-score\n        type: nps\n        label: NPS input field\n  - id: nps-feedback-page\n    title: Why did you choose this rating?\n    primaryButton:\n      title: Submit\n    fields:\n      - id: nps-feedback-text\n        type: textarea\n        placeholder: Your answer goes here"
}' \