An example of a <Frigade.Tour/>

In this guide

  1. Adding a Tour to your application
  2. Adding Hints to your application
  3. Tips and tricks

Adding a Tour to your application


Create a Tour

In the Frigade Dashboard, create a new Tour.


Find your Step anchors

Pick out the elements in your application that you want to attach individual Steps to.

Each Step in a Tour uses a CSS Selector to attach itself to the element in your page that you want to highlight. We recommend adding a unique id to your element to ensure that Frigade can find it.
<span id="my-element">
  This is the element that we're going to attach a Tour Step to.

Configure your Flow

In the Frigade Dashboard, use the selector property in each step of your Tour to highlight the desired element in your application:

  - title: "Welcome to Frigade!"
    description: "This is a tour of the Frigade platform."
    selector: "#my-element"

Embed the Tour Component

Add the Tour Component to your application with its corresponding Flow ID.

<Frigade.Tour flowId="flow_Bkh43aEjXcrna2lO" />

Adding Hints to your application


Create some Hints

In the Frigade Dashboard, create new Hints.


Find your Hint anchors

Pick out the elements in your application that you want to attach individual Steps to.

Each Hint uses a CSS Selector to attach itself to the element in your page that you want to highlight. We recommend adding a unique id to your element to ensure that Frigade can find it.
<span id="my-element">
  This is the element that we're going to attach a Hint to.

Configure your Flow

In the Frigade Dashboard, use the selector property in each Hint to highlight the desired element in your application.

  - title: "Welcome to Frigade!"
    description: "This is a tour of the Frigade platform."
    selector: "#my-element"

Embed the Tour Component

No, that’s not a typo, Hints are actually a specially configured <Frigade.Tour>!

  sequential={false} // Show all Steps at once
  defaultOpen={false} // Only show Hint markers

Tips and tricks

Seamless navigation between pages

One of the benefits of Frigade is that it can tap into your existing router to navigate users across pages without janky page refreshes. Check out our guide on Navigation for setup.

Debugging Steps

If a Step in a Tour is not appearing when you expect it to, you can enable debugging by enabling Verbose logging in your browser. To enable this in Chrome Devtools, simply click the three dot menu in the console as shown below:

Enabling verbose logging in Chrome Devtools

This will log if a selector is not found on the current page.

Controlling the z-index of Steps

By default, Steps are rendered with a z-index of 9999. To change this, you can use the zIndex prop on a Tour:

<Frigade.Tour flowId="my-flow-id" zIndex={100} />

Or alternatively, you can override the z-index for a specific Step directly in the YAML config using the zIndex property:

  - id: my-tour-step
    title: My title
    subtitle: My subtitle
      title: Got it
    selector: "#my-tour-step-anchor"
      zIndex: 42

Overriding position for a specific Step

If you want to force a specific Step to show up on the left or right side of the targeted element, you can use the align and side properties in Config YAML to override the default positioning. It follows the same syntax as the align and side props on the Tour component.

  - id: my-tour-step
    title: My title
    subtitle: This Step will show up on the left of the target element, after its trailing edge
      title: Got it
    selector: "#my-tour-step-anchor"
      align: after
      side: left

Offset x and y positioning

You can add a custom offset to the x and y positioning of each Step in a Tour using the sideOffset and alignOffset properties (see Tour component documentation). Alternatively, you can override the offset for a specific Step directly in the YAML config by leveraging the props field:

  - id: my-tour-step
    title: My title
    subtitle: My subtitle
      title: Got it
    selector: "#my-tour-step-anchor"
      sideOffset: 10
      alignOffset: -10

Hiding CTA buttons

Sometimes you may want to hide the CTA button on a single Step for a user to take an action in your application rather than simply continuing the tour on every button click. To do this, simply omit the primaryButton.title property in the YAML config:

  - id: my-tour-step
    title: My title
    subtitle: My subtitle
    # Omitting primaryButton.title will hide the CTA button
    # primaryButton:
    #   title: Got it
    selector: "#my-tour-step-anchor"

Programmatically completing a step

If you want too programmatically complete the step (e.g. an action in your app advances the Flow), see the documentation for automatically advancing a Flow.