Collections allow you to deploy Flows without having to manually embed them in your app code, which is great! Who doesn’t love no-code deploys? But you may be asking “How do I use Custom Components if I’m not rendering React components directly?” Great question, let’s dig in to how to use Custom Components in Collections.

To start, let’s get a Collection set up with a Custom Flow in it:


Create a "Macguffins" Collection

In the Frigade web app, Create a Collection named “Macguffins”.


Create a new Custom Flow

  1. In the top nav bar, click the “Create” button and select “Custom” from the list of available Flow types.
  2. Use the three dot menu to rename your flow to “The Rug”
  3. In the Advanced Flow editor, replace the default YAML with the following:
type: macguffin
title: The Rug
subtitle: It really ties the room together.
owner: The Dude

Add your Flow to the Macguffins Collection

  1. Select “Collections” in the left nav bar
  2. Click “Macguffins” from the list of Collections
  3. Click “Add Flows” and select “The Rug”
  4. Click “Save Collection” (or press CMD+S)

Embed the Macguffins Collection in your app

  1. Click “In-App Channel” to show the embed code for your Collection
  2. Paste the embed code into your app

Great! Excellent job so far, you should now have a Collection in your app that does absolutely nothing. But this is a good thing! You’ve defined a Flow with a type: macguffin that’s unknown to Frigade — we don’t have a built-in Component in the SDK that matches that Flow type, so there’s nothing to render yet.

Let’s fix that by wiring up a new <Macguffin> Component and registering it with the Frigade <Provider> so that we know how to render Flows with type: macguffin.


Create a Macguffin Component

Paste the following code into Macguffin.tsx

import { Flow, type FlowProps } from '@frigade/react';

export function Macguffin(props: FlowProps) {
  return (
    <Flow {...props}>
      {({ flow }) => {

Pass your Component into the Provider

Add the flowTypes prop to <Frigade.Provider> to map your new <Macguffin> Component to the macguffin Flow type

import * as Frigade from '@frigade/react';

import { Macguffin } from 'Macguffin.tsx'

export function App() {
 return (
   <Frigade.Provider apiKey="..." flowTypes={{
     macguffin: Macguffin
     {/* ... */}

That’s it, you’re done. You should now see your <Macguffin> rendering the contents of your Flow. Now that you have it set up, you can deploy any Flow with type: macguffin to any Collection.