Changing environments

Frigade environments allow you to manage your Flows across Development and Production. You can access each environment from the dropdown in the top of the left sidebar.


Working with Flow IDs in multiple environments

By default, Flow IDs are unique to each environment. However, if you want to use the same Flow ID across environments, you can use the “Copy to Production” feature to copy a Flow from Development to Production. This will create a new Flow in Production with the same ID as the Flow in Development. This is a single copy operation, so if you make changes to the Flow in Development, you will need to manually copy the changes to Production.

Copy Flows to Production

Once you have a Flow to your liking in Development, you can simply “Copy to Production” from the three dot menu on the Flows overview. This will copy a Flow’s content, targeting, and other properties. The new Flow will have the same ID when using this feature.
